Personal Business العربية

BOJ Mobile Your bank your way


Download Bank of Jordan's updated application and enjoy a special banking experience

Accomplish your banking transactions quickly, easily and safely with Bank of Jordan’s improved application that includes several services and benefits especially crafted for you. 


Easy Login

Ability to log in using fingerprint, face ID or password.

Self-registration feature

Ability to enjoy the self-registration feature

SMS service.

Ability to activate and deactivate the SMS service.


Ability to request an electronic Account Statement.

Change registered number

Ability to changing the SMS registered mobile number.

Quick balance

Ability to check the account balance quickly.

Apple Watch

Ability to use the application through Apple Watch

ATM and branch locator feature

Find the nearest branch or ATM easily

Currency exchange rates

Ability to know more about the

Ability to link to other card account.

Pre-paid bills

Ability to register a pre-paid bill

Ability to settle a set of bills

Pay all of your bills at ones

Ability to adjust the number of debit card SMS generated.

Control you cards

Ability to determine the credit card cash withdrawal and purchase limits

Ability to enjoy the card scanning feature.

Automatic OTP reading

Ability to enjoy the automatic one-time password reading feature.


Ability to enjoy linkage to SIRI on iOS

Cardless cash withdrawal

Ability to request cardless cash withdrawal through any BOJ ATM

Ability to receive notifications.

Ability to activate and deactivate the SMS service.

Customer Onboarding

Now you can open a current or savings account in quick & easy steps

Opening Smart Saver Account

Because we at Bank Of Jordan, value your time, and excel to achieve your goals, we provide you best solutions to have better future, with “Smart Saver” Saving Account

Pay bills by cards (credit and debit)

Sending account information to Social Security

Modify the message number on the credit and debit card

Request to open a deposit account

BOJ Mobile Services:


  • Summary of account balance and transactions.
  • Loan and deposit details.
  • Chequebook request.
  • Account Statement request.
  • Loan installment postponement request.
  • Deposit request.
  • Cardless cash withdrawl
  • Customer Onboarding
  • Opening Smart Saver Account
  • Sending account information to Social Security
  • Deposit calculation by default


  • Summary of card balance and transactions.
  • Instant credit card payment.
  • Activation or deactivation of cards.
  • Pre-paid card balance renewal.
  • E-purchase limit and point redemption possibility identification.
  • Account Statement request.
  • Mobile number amendment.
  • PIN unblocking.
  • Supplementary credit card request.
  • Credit card replacement.
  • Card type or limit modification request.
  • Wearable credit card request.
  • Supplementary debit card request.
  • Debit card replacement.
  • Pre-paid wearable card request.
  • Pre-paid card request.
  • Pre-paid card replacement.
  • Pay bills.
  • Modify the message number on the credit and debit card.
  • The possibility of linking the dollar account to the ATM.


  • Own account transfer.
  • In-BOJ account transfer.
  • Local and international bank transfer.
  • Transfer through JOMOPAY.
  • Transfer standing orders issuance.
  • CLIQ


  • Ability to pay post-paid and pre-paid bills.
  • Ability to add bills.


Cash Limits for Transactions Executed Through the BOJ app/ Daily:

  1. Transfer Between Same Customer Accounts: Unlimited.
  2. Transfer Between BOJ Accounts, Local Banks, and International Banks:
    • Wesam Mumayaz Badge Customers: 20,000 Jordanian Dinars or equivalent in other currencies.
    • Mumayaz Customers: 15,000 Jordanian Dinars or equivalent in other currencies.
    • Regular Customers: 10,000 Jordanian Dinars or equivalent in other currencies.
  3. Transfer Between BOJ Customers from Jordan to Palestine (BOJ Net): 10,000 Jordanian Dinars or equivalent in other currencies.
  4. Transfer via Cliq Service: 10,000 Jordanian Dinars.
  5. Cardless Cash Withdrawal from ATM: 500 Jordanian Dinars.
  6. Cardless Cash Deposit via ATM: 20,000 Jordanian Dinars.

e-FAWATEERcom Service

Get a closer look at the e-FAWATEERcom service to help you pay your bills anytime, anywhere

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World MasterCard

Satisfy your curiosity with the World MasterCard from Bank of Jordan. Benefit from unique privileges and luxury experiences to elevate all your adventures

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Savings Account

Start planning for the future today and open a savings account or replenish your existing account

Learn More