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Announcement to Bank of Jordan Shareholders To Attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting

Date: 21/03/2022

Bank of Jordan’s Board of Directors has resolved to invite you to attend the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 01:00 p.m. on Thursday 31.03.2022. The Meeting will take place virtually via visual and electronic conferencing means in accordance with the provisions of the Defense Law No. 13 of 1992, Defense Order No. 5 of 2020 and the measures made by H.E. the Minister of Industry, Trade & Supply on 09.04.2020 under the aforesaid Defense Order, as the Minister consent’s to the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting convening by the Bank through video conferencing and electronic communications has been obtained. The purpose of the Meeting is to examine the items listed in the Meeting’s agenda as published on the Company Controller Department’s website and on the below Bank’s website.

Messrs. Shareholders are kindly requested to attend the said Meeting on the set date via video conferencing through this link published on the Bank’s website which contains the procedures of access to the electronic system and signing as attendant. However, signing as attendant, either in person or in proxy, and ID documents shall be provided via this link prior to the Meeting date.

Shareholders can access all documents and attachments related to the Meeting by clicking this link all such documents are also available on the Bank’s website  


Shaker Tawfiq Fakhouri

Board Chairman