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  • Under “Your Blood, Your Support” Slogan, the Bank of Jordan has Organized a Blood Drive

Under “Your Blood, Your Support” Slogan, the Bank of Jordan has Organized a Blood Drive

Date: 19/09/2022

Bank of Jordan has recently organized a blood drive for its employees, in partnership with the Directorate of Blood Bank, and the Jordan Healing and Health Bank. The campaign is part of the bank’s strategy regarding corporate social responsibility and continuing its role in humanitarian aid.

The campaign, which was held at the Bank of Jordan headquarters, was met with widespread approval from all level employees. It was evident from the remarkable turnout that participants were eager to help the cause, as a large number of employees, who qualified, have donated blood under the supervision of a specialized health care team.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Bank of Jordan, Mr. Saleh Hammad, praised the efforts exerted by both the Jordan Healing and Health Bank, and the Ministry of Health for ensuring the blood banks are at full capacity for future transfusions. As well as constantly contributing towards national efforts and serving the local community, by increasing the number of volunteers and encouraging the spirit of volunteerism.

Furthermore Mr. Saleh Hammad mentioned “Organizing charitable campaigns is a predictor of social solidarity and unity in the Jordanian society, which is in line with the bank’s corporate social responsibility strategy that aims to provide support and assistance to those in need, especially the ill. It also aligns with the bank’s internal values that seek to create a culture of volunteerism among its employees.”

On the other hand, Jordan Healing and Health Bank’s General Manager, Dr. Nevin Abu Zeid, confirmed that “Bank Al-Shifa’s participation in the enactment of the blood drive campaign, comes within the bank’s workplace strategy and to achieve its social responsibility, by implementing charitable humanitarian campaigns that serve the vulnerable and the needy, which was highlighted by the recent campaign that worked on providing blood for future transfusions.”

Bank of Jordan has been renowned as one of the most active participants in community-based campaigns that bear a humanitarian and societal aspect to it. The bank chooses partners for all its charitable campaigns, because of its belief in the importance of partnership for maximizing desired outcomes and achieving sustainable development goals. Campaigns are carried out with both private and public institutes, as well as non-governmental organizations.