Personal Business العربية

Declaration of dividends

Date: 26/03/2023

The Bank of Jordan would like to announce its decision to its honorable shareholders, which it took during the bank’s general assembly meeting, held on 03/23/2023, to distribute profits for the year 2022 at a rate of 18% of the nominal value for registered shareholders in the bank’s records as of 03/22/2023.

The bank will also start distributing its cash dividends to shareholders who are maintaining bank accounts within the Bank of Jordan and/or have authorized the payment of their profits to their external accounts in other banks starting from 03/27/2023.

Regarding the shareholders who wish to receive their profits by cheque, we will start delivering these payments starting from Thursday, 04/27/2023.


Mr. Shaker Tawfiq Fakhouri

Chairman of the Board of Directors